plcombs Asian Art | Appraisers of Chinese and Asian Art
When It's Time: Appraisals Chinese-Asian Art can be needed for a variety of reasons.
From settling an estate to making certain you're insured properly in case an accident or natural disaster strikes, having an appraisal can come in very handy. Perhaps you're just curious to know if you own or have inherited a great rarity. Regardless of the reason, it's always a good idea to know how much something is worth. Often we find people just like to have a second opinion before making a decision, it can make a big difference.
Appraisals Chinese-Asian Art
We can get it done for you. We offer written appraisals FOR:
- *Estate Settlement: Fair Market Value
- *Equitable Distributions: Fair Market Value
- Insurance: Replacement Value
- *Pre-sale Estimates: Fair Market Value
- *Charitable Gifts: Fair Market Value, If over $5,000 in total a Section B of Form 8283 must accompany the appraisal.
* Fair market value is generally the price at which property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither having to buy or sell, and both having reasonable knowledge of all the relevant facts.
It sounds perhaps confusing, we can explain the market and how it works and how to best benefit from it.
A Bit About Selling, and your options.
Are You Thinking Of Selling Something? To a Dealer or through an Auction?
If you have an item(s) you want to sell, you have a couple options. You can get a presale estimate from an auction house and then consign it. You can sell it directly yourself to a dealer like us for instant payment. We urge you to check both options.
Yes, do both, call an Auctioneer and Call Us. Auctions aren't for everyone.
- Call An Auctioneer, make an appointment and see what they anticipate your object(s) will bring. Be sure to ask for the "High and Low" estimate(s) at auction. Also about "Reserves" the minimum price you are willing to accept at auction. Also, ask how long will it be before the item is sold and how quickly they pay you afterward. (typically 35 to 45 days post auction if the buyer pays on time.)
UNDERSTANDING AUCTION MATH. Ask the Auctioneer what they charge both you i.e. "Seller Commission" and the winning bidder i.e. "Buyer's Commission" (aka Buyer's Premium). Seller Commissions average 10% to 25%. Winning bidders pay a Comission to the Auctioneer based on the Selling or "Hammer Price", it usually ranges from 18% to 25%. This is important to know as most buyer's set a MAXIMUM bid including the Buyer's Premium, which dictates how high in TOTAL they are willing to go. The entire "Buyer's Commision" goes to the Auction House.
Example: if an object sells for $1,000. The Bidder pays $1,000 plus 25% = $1,250. The seller gets $1,000 minus 20% = $800. Auction house makes $400 from your $800.
- The Dealer, Call Us. We'll examine your item(s) at no obligation, we can make you an offer on the spot. You get paid for the full amount immediately.
Verbal Appraisals (It might be all you need)
Written appraisals are nearly always needed for settling estates, charitable gifting, and insurance riders. However, in many cases, a more informal verbal appraisal can often be sufficient and cost a whole lot less or free (in most cases) Verbal appraisals are particularly useful and less time-consuming when owners are contemplating a sale of one or multiple items.
Verbal appraisals by us are of course done at no charge in cases where you are asking what we would pay for your object.
Regardless of what your needs are, we'll be happy to talk with about it. So give us a call when you think might need our advice and assistance.
We have been in business for 45 years and are more than happy to put our experience to work for you.
Peter Combs
Gloucester, MA
PH: 978 283 5763

Telephone No.978 283 5763
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