We Buy Chinese Antiques, From Entire Collections To Individual Objects
Are you interested in selling your Chinese antiques? Porcelain, jade, silk robes, bronzes or other art?
We buy Chinese antiques.
Call us at 978 283 5763Â or
Simply email us some images at:Â 185mainst@gmail.com
You can also reach us directly by using the "Contact Us" form below.
We buy every week from heirs to estates, collectors and from people looking to downsize. Over the years, we've handled individual collections comprising more than 5,000 objects as well as tens of thousands of individual items.
If you want to know what an object is or is worth, let us know, we can tell you free of charge. Just ask us.
Auction or Direct Sale? Check Both Options!
Have you gotten an estimate(s) from an auctioneer? Before you consign give us a call and see what we'll pay you today for your items. You might be very surprised.
Auctions aren't for everyone and often do not end with the promised or estimated results. Â If you have Chinese objects you wish to sell without the risk, complications, months of waiting and auction comission structures. Give us a call, we can help you.
As long-term dealers and appraisers, we sell to a very wide base of active willing buyers globally in all mediums. They consist primarily of collectors and dealers interested in virtually every area of interest imaginable in the world of Chinese art and antiques. Â
We have a very large and active customer base. From people wanting to buy only blue and white porcelain of the mid-Ming period to carved bamboo scholars objects. Some are focussed solely on Jade and others seek only export paintings of the 18th and 19th C.. Most of them prefer buying directly and privately from dealers like us and have done so for decades.Â
As a consequence, we're always interested in buying fine objects suitable for a broad range of long-standing customers.Â
Thank you from the entire Combs family, Sincerely, Peter L. Combs
Contact us to learn more. Â We can help.
Get In Touch With Us Today
We buy Chinese antiques, here are just a few examples.
Over the decades, we've purchased a wide range of objects from estates on Boston's North Shore, throughout New England and across the globe.Â
These are just a few examples in case you're curious.Â
A few of the things we’ve bought over the years.
Chinese Wanli Hundred Boys Box
16th C. to early 17th C. 9 inch blue and white box, from a Massachusetts estate.
Chinese Transitional Period Bowl
A fine underglaze blue bowl, circa 1640 depicting a landscape scene populated with Luohans. 10 inches wide.
18th-19th C. Carved Chinese Duane Stone Screen
An extremely fine large Duane stone landscape screen on stand. 22 inches tall.
Circa 1700 Chinese Kangxi Bowl
A fine underglaze blue "Pheonix Bowl" with floral sprays. 8 inches wide.
Large Pair 19th C. Chinese Famille Jaune Vases
An unusually large pair of Famille Jaune dragon vases with faux silk tied necks. 24 inches tall.
Chinese Ming Dynasty Jar
A charming circa 1600-1625 blue and white "deer pattern" jar. 6 inches tall.
18th C. Chinese Yongzheng Dish
A fine and rare mark and of the period "lattice dish" in cobalt blue. 9 inches wide.
Circa 1700 Chinese Kangxi Jar
A finely carved celadon glazed jar with European silver mounts. 8 inches tall.
Chinese Ming Dynasty Jiajing Jar
A fine and rare mark and of the period jar with peacocks in a landscape scene. 6 inches tall.
19th C. Chinese Guangxu Bowl
A LARGE deep cobalt-blue mark and of the period bowl/basin depicting dragons. 15 inches wide.
19th C. Chinese Tea Dust Vase
A Large "Hu" form tea dust glazed vase of rounded form with brown dressed rim and lion mask handles. 16 inches tall.
Ming to Qinf Dynasty Ink Stone
A deep cobalt blue lattice and cartouch decorated circular ink stone. 7 inches wide.
Chinese Wanli Dish
A classic early 17th C. dish with central aquatic scene and radiating outer borders. 10 inches wide.
LARGE Circa 1800 Chinese Foo Lions
A fine pair of Famille Jaune large Foo's done in the Kangxi manner. 14 inches tall.
Chinese Langyao Ink well
A fine fitted Langyao beehive shaped porcelain fitted with a jade dragon cover on silver mounts. Assembled by Yamanaka & Co, Circa 1935.
18th C. Chinese Kangxi Period Vase
A fine triple gourd celadon with carved dragons and vine patterns. 12 inches tall.
17th C. Chinese Transitional Period Pot
A blue and white example decorated with sprays of floral clusters. 8 inches tall.
12th to 14th C. Chinese Celadon Bowl
An unusually large "Ge" type Northern Song to Yuan period bowl with fine crackle. Fired on semi-porcelain stoneware. 10 inches in diameter.
19th C. Chinese Export Portraits
An unusual pair of full length portraits depicting two mirrored Chinese servants tending to flowers beside an Italian inlaid pedestal display stands. 13 inches tall each.
16th C. Chinese Ming Dynasty Incense Burner
A large fine quality carved celadon glazed sensor supported on three feet. 12 inches wide.
18th C. Chinese Sleeve Vase
A cream glazed and faintly crackled vase with tapering sides and fitted with molded relief work lion mask handles. 10 inches tall.
Fine circa 1700 Chinese Kangxi Period Pot/Incense Burner
Decorated with deep cobalt blue depicting precious objects and Buddhist symbols. 10 inches wide.
18th C. Chinese Miniature vase
A Small Famille verte vase (not a snuff bottle) depicting hounds in a wooded setting. 4 inches tall.
Imperial Qianlong Court Fan
A fine ivory woven mesh fan with tortoise-shell frame fan with Peking enamel handle. 24 inches long.
19th C. Rose Medallion Jar
A handsome and well-potted jar depicting figural interior scenes. Lion mask handles on opposing shoulders. 18 inches tall.
18th C. Pair of Qianlong vases.
A fine pair of 18th C. vases with deep cobalt underglaze blue and fine gilt-worked script and decorations. Signed on base in iron red. 11 inches tall each.
Circa 1680-1700 Kangxi Meiping vase
A finely glazed compressed form Meiping with well-rounded shoulders and fine proportions. 9 inches tall.
19th C. Chinese Famille Verte vase
A fine Rouleau form vase with iron red and Famille verte panels. 18 inches tall.
RARE 19th C. Chinese Teapot
A fine square form teapot with squared handle and conforming spout. The exterior decorated with craggy apple blossom and branches, inscribed front panel. 5 Inches tall.
19th C. Framed Chinese Famille Verte Placque
A well painted classical Chinese landscape scene of mountains and houses. 15 inches tall.
1600's, Chinese Ming Charger
A LARGE circa 1600 to 1625 charger with central panel of bird on rocky ground surrounded by 6 roundels of trees. 18 inches wide, (ex-Collection of my late friend Crosby Forbes, former Curator of the Peabody Essex Museum)
19th-20th C. Chinese Yixing Teapot
A fine soft tan and dark brown gourd shaped teapot with inscription and signed base. Fitted with branch worked handles. 6 inches tall
19th C. Chinese Yixing Teapot
The dark brown compressed pot with over-glaze blue in varying tones of dragons, "Key" border and waves. With accompanying white inscription, signed by maker. 4 inches tall.
19th C. Yixing Lined Pewter Teapot
A very rare yixing lined pot of domed form and fitted with jade. The body embellished with rows of script and the reverse with landscapes. 7 inches tall.
19th C. Square Yixing Teapot
A rare squared form decorated in multiple enamels comprising soft green with black "cracked ice" pattern, medium blue, white and red. Each side with landscape and inscriptions. 8 inches tall.
19th C. Square Yixing Teapot
A large Rare Yixing pot, coated with a fine deep blue enamel and rows of poetry on the obverse in white with maker's mark, the reverse depicts a landscape scene. 10 inches tall
A few more things.
Large 19th C. Chinese Carved Soapstone Statue
A fine large carved and painted statue grouping of a mother and child. 18 inches tall.
Chinese Guangxi Cong Vase
A fine mark and period celadon glazed Cong, mark in underglaze cobalt blue. 11 inches tall. (found under attic floor boards in a house in Maine by the homeowner)
Circa 1700 Chinese Kangxi Langyao Dish
A fine monochrome dish with white lip and mixed celadon green and red back. 11 inches wide.
18th C. Chinese Carved Bamboo Brush Pot
A fine and deeply carved bamboo pot with mountainous figural scenes and clouds. 7.5 inches tall
Chinese Ming Bronze Buddha, Circa 1600
A large RARE gilt laquer bronze Buddha on original Stand. 25 inches tall.
18th C. Chinese Table Screen
A fine Famille Verte with overglaze blue enamel screen on a fine hardwood stand. 18 inches tall.
Early 18th C. Chinese Celadon Meiping
A fine faintly crackled vase of excellent proportions with brown dressed rim. 9 inches tall.
Chinese Song Qingbai Water Dropper
A fine and rare form soft blue glazed melon form dropper for a scholar's table. 3.2 inches tall.
Chinese 17th C. Hot Food Pot
A deep cobalt blue pot (sans lid) of vine and cloud decorations. 10 inches wide.
Massive 19th C. Japanese Satsuma Jar
An enormous well potted jar depicting Buddhist immortals and mythical beasts. 36 inches tall.
Chinese Song Dynasty Wine Ewer
A fine brown-celadon glazed wine pot with flared opening, loop handle and serpentine spout. 5.5 inches tall.
Chinese Late Ming Dynasty Bronze Incense Burner
A fine late 16th C. burner on three mask form feet. Fitted on each end with mask handles. 5 inches wide.
Circa 1700 Chinese Kangxi jars
A fine pair of Famille Verte jars with deep underglaze blue cobalt. 6 inches tall.
Chinese Ming Wucai Jar
The well potted small jar with fruit tree and squirrel decorations. 7 inches tall.
18th C. Qianlong Door Panel
An extremely fine lattice carved and relif worked panel depicting vases and planters. 32 inches tall.
19th C. Chinese Rose Canton Tray
An unusually finely carved lozenge shaped footed food tray, with gilt ground. 11 inches long.
!8th C. China Trade Teapot
A fine Famille Rose pot depicting a domestic scene of two figures on a terrace. 7 inches tall.
Chinese Qianlong Beijing Enamel Handwarmer
A fine gilt and colored enamel example with swing handle. Depicting an elephant and floral landscapes. 9 inches tall.
18th C. Chinese Kangxi Famille verte Dish
A fine rare Famille Verte dish with flowers within a cross-hatched outer border and cartouches. Seal marked artist touch marks. 10 inches wide.
18th C. Green Glazed Incense Burner
A finely potted green crackle glazed pot and fine mesh silver top. 8.5 inches wide.
18th C. Chinese Yongzheng vase
A very rare square-mouthed ovoid form Doucai enamel vase depicting a rocky garden. 4 inches tall.
19th C. Chinese Hu Form vase
A rare soft celadon mark and period Guangxu vase with relief worked frontal peach element. 11 inches tall.
18th C. Chinese Vase
A light blue Qianlong period vase with white slip glazed flowers and birds. Provincial Qianlong mark on base, and of the period. 14 inches tall.
16th C. Chinese Ming Carpet
A fine and extremely rare Ming "Foo Lion Rug". Depicting two circling Foo Lions amongst clouds within a stylized cloud border. 65 inches long. (Ex Sears family collection, from the estate of Cameron Bradley)
17th C. Chinese Charger
A massive late Ming to Transitional period deep cobalt blue decorated charger within an "Anhua" broad outer border. 22 inches wide.
15th C. Chiense Celadon Incense Burner, Ming Dynasty
A fine and rare carved celadon sensor on raise partially glazed pedestal form foot. 7 inches wide. ( Chait Gallery Provenance, NYC)
18th C. Qianlong Vase
An extremely fine and rare Imperial vase with applied handles, impressed Qianlong mark on base. 8 inches tall
18th C. Chinese Bud vase
A fine and rare Qianlong period robin's egg blue "hu" form vase with applied mask handles. 5 inches tall.
18th C. Carved Chinese Bamboo Elephant
A very rare mid 18th C. carving depicting an elephant bearing two boys holding a potted plant/flowers. 12 inches tall.
Large 18th C. Chinese Bronze Kuan-Yin or Buddha
A finely cast seated Buddha on an inverted Lotus base. Fine deep patina. 36 inches tall.
18th C. Chinese Porcelain Tea Chest
An extremely rare deep cobalt blue Nanking box with brass hinges and handles. Circa 1780. 10 inches long.
18th C. Chinese Kangxi Bowl
A fine and rare blue and white figural bow with original fitted silver applied rim. 9 inches wide.
12th C. Chinese Celadon Bowl
A goo early molded Norther Song celadon bowl with brown dressed rim. 8 inches wide.
Chinese Yuan to Ming Soft Jun Vase
A fine pear shaped example coated with a superb light blue glaze. 5 inches tall.
19th C. Chinese Export Mandarin Figural Teapot
A high footed teapot with shaped handle and conforming spout. Based on an English silver form. 9 inches tall.

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